The essence of the recommendation system algorithm is to show content to users based on their interests without considering factors such as release time. The solution is simple: lay out the content for a specific audience and use an algorithm to attract users to show the content to audiences with similar interests. It’s all theory, but not everything is that simple. Social media audience research is conducted annually.
Below is a look at recent years of research: Audience activity: Audience activity: Audience activity: Audience activity: we focused on engagement activity with publications published at specific times of the week and at specific times. To reiterate, current social network algorithms usually consider Phone Number List not only interactions but also correlations. For example you might see a post from three days ago. Theoretically the activity at different times and days of the week should be roughly the same but the numbers don't work that way. Let’s take a look at the specific statistics of the study. Audience activity by day of the week. Audience activity by day.

As you can see, audiences respond differently to publications at different times. This also applies to other social networks. This is caused by human factors. For example, people are dozing in bed late at night and don't want to be interacted with by publications. On Friday night, they are relaxing at a party and then posting vacation photos instead of appearing in other people's posts.