Telegram has recently launched Telegram Premium, a new subscription service that offers an exclusive experience for the users. The paid service will offer additional features and first-hand new feature releases, and it costs anywhere between $5 – $6 per month. According to their statement, the goal is to “offer all the resources-heavy features users have asked for over the years while preserving free access.” In other words,
In numbers, Telegram ended April 2022 with over 500 million monthly active users and was one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world. To give you a quick perspective of its growth, the app increased its user base by 25% in Whatsapp Number only two years (remember that we are talking about millions of people). Nowadays, the app has already achieved 700 million. And what I love the most about Telegram’s growth and Telegram Premium is the story behind it. Telegram has never paid to advertise its apps.
Their entire growth came from the old (but gold) method of personal recommendations. People invited their friends to join the app and, one by one, they decided to become a part of it. Does it bring you a sense of community? For me, it does. Telegram was capable of building its own brand community, by only delivering a good and helpful service. Going further, one of the reasons why Telegram has launched the Premium version, was because many users have expressed their desire to support their team – they wanted to support Telegram’s continued development and were willing to pay for more features.