We have now moved on almost a generation. What's left of the hype? Are we ready to embed Generation Y into adult policy? The government has already made a start with the minimum wage for self-employed workers. Now the question is whether organizations are willing to exchange their employees for an enterprising freelancer. Why work doesn't work A large group of millennials are about to move up to the administrative level. That they are the leaders of the future, that a traineeship is a golden ticket to a smooth career.
That employee happiness managers can guarantee eternal happiness at work. Unfortunately, we often hear that many managers turn out to be incompetent, sustainability is an empty word and even the hippest startup gets into a rut after six months. Millennial with phone and photo editor coffee to go. Millennials, unlike Generation X, are barely motivated by money and barely resistant to criticism or red leadership. In addition , they are often escapists who constantly dream about world travel, volunteer work and entrepreneurship.

So there is no reason to work somewhere longer than 2 years. In principle, they are not averse to hard work, but only do so if they feel part of a meaningful larger whole. Because I work a lot with millennials myself, I am slowly starting to understand how you can motivate millennials to commit to an organization. What does work There are many talented millennials in paid employment who would dare to commit to an organization for a long time as long as their entrepreneurship is stimulated enough.