President of the Collegiate Medical Organization, has offered the Spanish Executive his collaboration to promote a system that is practical and useful for foreigners without papers. In the first place, he considers that the premise of the guarantee of assistance in cases in which the life of the patient is in danger must be started. It can be complex to limit the casuistry, but it is more than necessary work, even to avoid situations in which the state of health of one of these patients could represent a potential threat to the entire.
Spanish population. However, the new modifications that are glimpsed will have to face a series of doubts regarding the future of the health status of irregular immigrants: financing of drugs, co-payment conditions, chronic patients, referrals to moible number data specialists, mental health problems and treatments against cancer etcCustomer satisfaction must be an essential element in the internal and external processes of organizations. Therefore, it is not understood.

That they do not make this aspect the central axis of their management. Each of us has, surely, antagonistic experiences in this sense. Purchases or services that have concluded in a highly satisfactory manner and quite the contrary. And the natural tendency is to share this experience. Traditionally through what was popularly known as "word of mouth" and currently making use of the Internet and social networks that can exponentially increase the visibility of our experience.