But not only institutional or commercial news, social networks are very useful for sharing other digital contents, such as company blog articles , especially if we think that in of cases these channels are part of a more complete digital strategy which usually includes the content marketing . What are the objectives? A Google study compared digital leaders, i.e. those who have been successful thanks to web marketing , with those who are still beginners, especially in terms of satisfactory results. It emerged that of leaders had clear and defined marketing objectives, compared to of beginners.
We cannot repeat enough the importance of setting objectives when planning a social and marketing wedding photo editing service campaign in general. With this, your posts don't have to be dry and boring just because they have an objective, but they can continue to be pleasant for the reader even if aligned with the target you have set. social strategy for companies Take a look at the successful case histories that Twitter talks about here : the title of the section already gives the idea "Find out how companies from all over the world have achieved their goals with.

Twitter" In the example of Greenhouse Software, the company states regarding the objective of the social strategy: “The Greenhouse marketing team wanted to acquire new subscribers for its weekly newsletter whose intent was to increase the popularity of the brand and the possibility of purchasing". You may have noticed that Greenhouse's objective was actually threefold: Increase in brand popularity Subscribe to the newsletter Possibility of purchase In addition to a general improvement in brand awareness, Greenhouse saw the number of newsletter subscribers increase by in just one month.