Analytics data), so hopefully this little table will inspire you to expand your data and include more engagement metrics from Google Analytics, additional click data from Search Console, ranking data, non-organic traffic data, and more. Not to mention all of this can be scheduled so when you open a worksheet you have your search analytics and Google Analytics data ready to go and automate almost the entire process.
We don’t need to use tools like Analytics in isolation because they are already there. Experiment with ways to combine data yourself to gain even more valuable insights about your campaigns!
Select the worksheet you created with your data and a copy of the Keyword Data tab will be populated at the end of the worksheet.
If you have done everything correctly so far, you will be able to update your URL and the data will automatically appear in the template for your specific page. When adding the page URL, be sure not to include the domain name. For example, if you wanted to see data for greece whatsapp data you could enter /products/ in cell B6 and watch the data populate. Also make sure everything matches the trailing slash between the Google Analytics data and the Search Console data. If you have issues with duplicate URL structures, you may need to do some work on your data so that the URL structures are in a consistent format (and you should fix this on the server side, too!). Your results should look like this:
How do templates work?
If you're interested in looking at more than two pages of content and really want to build it into a more reliable report, you may want to understand which formulas are controlling the results so that you can enhance the data.